Clinique Skin Care Products!!

So, I recently started using Clinique skin care/makeup products and I must admit, I’m in love! I swear and live by Clinique now. Their 100% allergy tested and fragrance free products are the best. In particular, their 3-Step Skin Care line and their Perfectly there makeup have been sooo unbelievably good to me.  

I use the liquid facial soap(L-R), the clarifying lotion, and the dramatically different moisturizing lotion twice a day, sometimes three times a day—that’s how much I can’t get enough of this skin care product/products. Each product does what it says it will…they clear, exfoliate, and leave your skin dramatically moisturize–everything my skin and  face desperately needed.

I use The Perfectly there makeup (below) on the days I want to look extra pretty :). Honestly, I don’t think Clinique could’ve picked a more fitting name for the unbelievably great powder. On the days I’m wearing the power, you could barely tell. It blends in so well with my skin and it just gives me this really nice glow. For a girl who’s never been into makeup, I could honestly say, I’m hooked! Clinique got me.

There’s a reason old and young folks use Clinique…it instantly becomes a staple because it’s not harsh on your skin and it actually does what it says it will. If you want to use something that’s not harsh on your skin and leaves your skin soft, clean, and glowing, then make the switch like I did…you won’t regret it.

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